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 Welcome to My Site


I am delighted to welcome you to my blog. My name is Jazmine Bre'Anna and The Holy Spirit has guided me to create this website to spread the good news, testify to the faithfulness of my Father in heaven, and to fulfill God's purpose for my life as an aspiring writer and poet. I am eager to share the gospel with you through the gifts given to me by The Most High, who led me to create Purified Garden Podcast on Youtube as well as my blogs written here.

I strongly believe that we all need to be edified through the living word of God, which brings clarity on the salvation given to us as a gift through the sacrifice of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. My intention is to inspire and uplift you through direction given to me by the Holy Spirit. I hope that it encourages you to seek deeper knowledge and wisdom of El Roi (The God who sees) and His unconditional love he has for all his creation.

The best part is this includes YOU!! No matter who you are, where you come from, or what sins you have committed, The God of Peace is calling out to you. He deeply desires to be your Father, your Protector, your Provider, your Beloved, and much more. I pray that as you read this introduction the overwhelming presence of who he is and his pure love for you embraces you like a warm hug as confirmation that he is speaking directly to you.

Thank you for visiting my website, I pray that it is a blessing upon your life and I can't wait to share my passion for the gospel with you! If you would like to connect since we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, please feel comfortable contacting me through the box below, I will do my best to reach back out as led by the Holy Spirt. 


                                  GOD BLESS!!!

Tend toYOURGarden

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