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Beautiful Mess.

When I cry you wipe my tears.

When I am hungry you feed me.

When I am thirsty you provide me with living water.

I am poor, yet rich.

Avoided yet surrounded.

To the world I am hated, crazy and foolish,

But to you I am loved, sane, and wise.

You look down on me from the heavens and notice me

Even though I am quite small.

To you I am smaller than an ant

So fragile, powerless and can be easily destroyed.

Yet you love me like a beautiful rare stone,

Glistening in the very back of a cave.

Hidden in the darkness, you saw light and chose me.

I was your diamond in the rough.

Seen as worthless to the world but beyond priceless in your eyes.

You took your time to chisel me out of the rock wall.

You took your time to wash me clean from dirt and filth.

You look upon me daily and perfect all the cracks, bumps and holes that cover me.

You started to shape me and mold me into a beauty that is incomparable to anything ever made.

You make sure to cover me.

You send your warrior angels to protect me day and night.

You send your ministering angels to whisper your soft spoken word in my ear.

You gave me life in a world filled with death.

You are so far yet so close because your very spirit lives inside me.

All that I am, is only a small part of who you are.

I cannot touch you and I cannot see you.

But I can feel your very presence surrounding me.

My heart yearns for you.

My soul cries your Holy Name.

When I am weak Lord you are strong.

When I am frightened you take away all my fears.

You love me in a way I never thought I could ever feel love.

You fill me with warmth when I am cold.

You surround me with joy, even though I live in a wicked world.

You show me yourself through the trees, winds, water and sky.

You open my eyes to the beauty in the midst of chaos.

When there seems to be no hope, you prove me wrong.

You provide, you prevail, and you will reign

Today, yesterday and forever.

I love you Yahweh because you chose to love me.

You chose to create me.

Born as a rebel but shaped into obedient solider

You saw hope for me, so I press forward in Faith for you.

-Jazmine Bre'anna


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